Sunday, September 6, 2009

typical day online

My typical day online is probably not any different than anyone elses like me. The first thing I look at when I get online is facebook. I check all my events, messages, updates, wall, comments, birthdays, and newsfeed. It is a good way to keep up with friends that you do not get to see very often. The next thing I do is look on the UNT website to see if I have any notes I need to print out on blackboard, or any assignments I need to do for class. Then, I check all my emails to see if there is anything that I received that is important. Sometimes, I check my bank account, pay bills, or just browse around. I am so busy with school and work that I do not have enough time to just get on the internet and look at things. Therefore, I get on the computer and do what I need to do and get it done fast! That is my normal thing to do on the internet. :)

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