Friday, October 2, 2009

Blog and Twitter

Bloggs and Twitter are used for the same thing, except Twitter is shorter comments. Twitter only allows people to write 140 characters, while blogs let people write as much as they would like. On Twitter people share short sentences on updates on their lives, comments on certain ideas, mention things they are interested in, and etc. On blogs people do the same thing, except they write paragraphs on explaining their days, thoughts, or ideas. Blogs and Twitter have alot of networking and people following their friends to keep into contact with them, and see what they are up to. People find out several unique things about their friends that they did not know before. Therefore, Twitter and Blogging are very similar, they just have different lengths of passages.

Bloom's Taxonomy can relate to Twitter and Blogging. Bloom came up with three different kinds of learning; Cognitive which means thinking, Affective which means increase of emotions for something specific, and Psychomotor which means the skills of someone. All of these domains are split into subcategories that mention certain ways people learn beginning from the easiest way to learn to the most difficult. These include remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating, and creating. Blogging and Twitter can relate to all of things, but more to certain areas than others. For remebering, Twitter and Blog is not very important. People have to remember certain things they have done or want to discuss to put on their blogs and twitter, and they also develop networking in this phase, as well. Networking is important for people becasue it gives them friends to talk to and share their knowledge and information with. For understanding, blogging and twitter show what people understand on certain topics which leads to increased thinking and understandings when discussions start from the blogs and tweets. For applying, people used the operating, uploading, and editing parts. On both blogs and twitter people have to set up their accounts, upload things to their accounts, and edit all their information. All of these things lead to intense thinking and understanding on how to run these programs. People also can use analysation to analyse others information, and passages to see what they are trying to say or get across. People evaluate tweets and blogs alot. They often make comments back to the writer to let them know their opinion on their topic. This in turn creates networking, knowledge, understanding, remembering, and analysing. Everything kind of comes into one in the evaluation process. This requires some intense thinking skills and knowledge, which helps people learn more. Lastly, people create both of these accounts. It is very difficult for someone to create their own applications, and programs on these two sites. For example, people put slide shows, or videos, or other kinds of uploads like that. In order for people to incorporate these thnigs in their blogs and tweets they have to be very talented, intellegent, and know what they are doing.

Therefore, all of Bloom's types of learning contribute to Blogs and Twitter, just some are more important and more difficult than others.

Monday, September 28, 2009

designing for learners

Our group discussion was good this week. It took time for us to get a hold of each other because we all had busy weeks. Tyler and I were able to meet up and do it together. We communicated with Andrea about how we wanted to do the assignment and agreed on a way to do it. We decided to type all our answers and send them in the discussion then take some from each and combine them all together! Everyone has different learning styles and ways to teach like Tami in the case study. Students respond to different teaching methods and her students did not respond well to hers. The advice Rebekka gave her was great and she should take it into consideration and use some of it in her classroom. This will make Tami an overall better teacher. Teachers should take into account how everyone learns and that it is different. Therefore, they need to incorporate all types of learning when they teach, so everyone can learn equally. Some people are visual learners and others are auditory. Teachers could incorporate both of these by lecturing for auditory learners and slides for visual learners to look at while shes talking. This helps both types of learners. Also, hands on things always help people learn better, so they need to have activities to be involved in to help them better understand the material. There are so many different ways teachers can teach, but they have to look at their students to see what kind of method they should use.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

myths about online learning

I have had myths about online learning. This is actually my first online I have taken for since I have been in college. I have been in college for four years, so I have been avoiding online classes. Honestly, I prefer face to face classes because I feel like they are more personal, and I feel like I learn more and get more out of them. I have had several myths about online learning. The first myth I have had was that it is easier than traditional classes, but I was wrong. They are about the same, however, there is more work to be done in online classes. I would rather go to class and not have to send emails, chat, and type papers all the time. I feel like I am in an english class or something sometimes. Another myth I had is that online courses are lonely. That is not the case at all. There are several people in the class to talk to and chat with. People can talk about several things about class, and get answers about certain questions about assignments. Networking is also available with these students in online courses by getting to know them and what they are about. I also did not think I would get as much help in online classes, however, there is a teacher available to ask questions if I do not know what to do on an assignment. Although, in an online class, I feel like things should be stated a little bit more clear because we are not there to listen to full out directions on things to do. Therefore, I believe some materials and directions should be more detailed.

All in all, some of my myths have been proven wrong. However, I still choose traditional classes over online classes anyday. They are just more beneficial to me. Everyone is different though. Online classes may not be my thing, but it could be amazing for someone else.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Some people break the law and do not even know they do it. This happens all the time with copyright laws. Copyright is said to be "a form of protection provided by the laws of the U.S. to the authors of "original works of authorship" including literature, art, drama, architecture, and music" (Virgina Montecino, 1996). One thing people who own the copyright can do is give others the ok to use their information. Their is another law of fair use that states the limitations of copyright (U.S. Copyright Office, 2009). Their are four factors when determining if teh use of informtation is fair. These four factors include " purpose and character of the use, including whether such use of the commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; the nature of copyrighted work; amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and effect of the use upon the potential marked for, or value of, the copyrighted work" (U.S. Copyright Office, 2009). The way to avoid copyright issues is to get the permission to use the copyright owners information. if peoplea reunable to get their so so, then they should not use the information, unless it follows the fair use law.

The history of all this madness began in 1970, when the first law was enacted. In 1976, the law was lengthened to the be fifty years after the death of the copyright owner (Virginia Montecino, 1996). Any copyrighted information after january 1978 had copyright on it for the life of the author plus seventy years (Virginia Montecino, 1996).

When it comes to issues of copyright on the internet, it is a big deal. This is the biggest threat of all to copyright. Teh internet contains tons of information tha tis all copyrighted (Virginia Montecino, 1996). Copyright can be a huge problem for people that get on the internet alot and see things they want to use becuase pretty much everyhting on the internet is copyrighted. Therefore, these people have to be careful when coming across emails, articles, books, pictures, graphs, software, books, and news (Virginia Montecino, 1996). Everything online what is protected includes "links, original text, graphics, audio, video, html, list of websites, and all other elements that make material original" (Virgina Montecino, 1996). There are alot of issure about copyright and the internet. Some issues are being resolved and others never will be.

I found a lawsuit of a company that deals with copyrighting. This company was Google. Google is being accused of a "massive copyright infringement" dealing with them putting books online and not getting permission to do so. (Wired, 2005). These books have been put in libraries, schools, and the community, but have not been given the permission to put them on the internet. The copyright owners want the court to block Google from using their information. The lawsuit says that Google should know how the copyright law works and they should have asked their permission, but did not (Wired, 2005). However, Google said they are publishing books and will continue to do so. Google tells us that they protect the copyright of these authors by giving bibliographies and giving a summary instead of the whole text (Wired, 2005). The Google compay offers to guide readers to libraries and booksellers who want more than what they have to offer on their sites (Wired, 2005).

Works Cited

U.S. Copyright Office. (2009). Copyright. retrieved September 9, 2009, from

Virginia Montecino. (1996). Copyright and the Internet. retrieved September 9, 2009, from

Wired. (2005). Copyright Lawsuit Targets Google. retrieved Septemeber 9, 2009, from

Sunday, September 6, 2009

typical day online

My typical day online is probably not any different than anyone elses like me. The first thing I look at when I get online is facebook. I check all my events, messages, updates, wall, comments, birthdays, and newsfeed. It is a good way to keep up with friends that you do not get to see very often. The next thing I do is look on the UNT website to see if I have any notes I need to print out on blackboard, or any assignments I need to do for class. Then, I check all my emails to see if there is anything that I received that is important. Sometimes, I check my bank account, pay bills, or just browse around. I am so busy with school and work that I do not have enough time to just get on the internet and look at things. Therefore, I get on the computer and do what I need to do and get it done fast! That is my normal thing to do on the internet. :)

Tests for week 2

I did the three tests for this week in the ltec class. It helped me learn what kind of learning I am and a little bit more about my personality that I did not know. For the learning style results I was balanced on all the scales except for one. Therefore, I am well balanced when it comes to the ways I learn things according to the learning style test. However, I am more of a visual learner than any other type of learning style. I thought I was kind of both types, but after taking the test, I realized that I am way more of a visual learning then an auditory or kinesthetic learner. After taking the learning tests, I took all the career quizzes. According to the results of the abilities test, I have more of a general learning ability, I form perceptions, and I have good finger dexterity. I had no clue I was good in any of these abilities, especially the finger dexterity. On my data, people, and things quiz it showed that I am a compiling/computing person when working with data, a mentoring/negotiating person when working with people, and a controling/driving-operating person when working with things. These were all interesting to me because they are all exactly who I am, and exactly how I work with data, people, and things. In the working environment, I am 98% methodical, 85% social, and 75% innovative. I have good values and working ethic when it comes to my working environment. My top three types of intellegence are interpersonal meaning I understand emotions and motivations of others, intrapersonal meaning I am able to distinguish between my different types of emotions, and visual/spatial meaning I am able to perceive visual and spatial information well. For my last test, It said that I am 22% introverted, 25% sensing, 12% feeling, and 33% judging. This really suprised me. I had no idea I judged things that much. These quizzes were really interesting and helped me learn alot of things about myself. Everyone is different with personalities, the way they learn, and the way they work. That is why everyone is unique! :)

Tests for week 2

Monday, August 31, 2009

My Expectations for my ltec class

I feel like this class is going to be interesting. I have taken a computer class before, but it was about two years ago and it was different then what we are going to do in this class. However, I still do not understand why I need to take this for my health promotion major. This class will be difficult at times, but easy at other times. I am really glad that my boyfriend, Tyler, is in this class with me, so we can help each other in this class. I have never taken a internet course before, so it is going to be different for me. However, I am hard worker and I know I will get my work done on time! All in all, I think this class will be beneficial no matter what, and hopefully I will learn alot of things about computers that I do not already know!