Friday, October 2, 2009

Blog and Twitter

Bloggs and Twitter are used for the same thing, except Twitter is shorter comments. Twitter only allows people to write 140 characters, while blogs let people write as much as they would like. On Twitter people share short sentences on updates on their lives, comments on certain ideas, mention things they are interested in, and etc. On blogs people do the same thing, except they write paragraphs on explaining their days, thoughts, or ideas. Blogs and Twitter have alot of networking and people following their friends to keep into contact with them, and see what they are up to. People find out several unique things about their friends that they did not know before. Therefore, Twitter and Blogging are very similar, they just have different lengths of passages.

Bloom's Taxonomy can relate to Twitter and Blogging. Bloom came up with three different kinds of learning; Cognitive which means thinking, Affective which means increase of emotions for something specific, and Psychomotor which means the skills of someone. All of these domains are split into subcategories that mention certain ways people learn beginning from the easiest way to learn to the most difficult. These include remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating, and creating. Blogging and Twitter can relate to all of things, but more to certain areas than others. For remebering, Twitter and Blog is not very important. People have to remember certain things they have done or want to discuss to put on their blogs and twitter, and they also develop networking in this phase, as well. Networking is important for people becasue it gives them friends to talk to and share their knowledge and information with. For understanding, blogging and twitter show what people understand on certain topics which leads to increased thinking and understandings when discussions start from the blogs and tweets. For applying, people used the operating, uploading, and editing parts. On both blogs and twitter people have to set up their accounts, upload things to their accounts, and edit all their information. All of these things lead to intense thinking and understanding on how to run these programs. People also can use analysation to analyse others information, and passages to see what they are trying to say or get across. People evaluate tweets and blogs alot. They often make comments back to the writer to let them know their opinion on their topic. This in turn creates networking, knowledge, understanding, remembering, and analysing. Everything kind of comes into one in the evaluation process. This requires some intense thinking skills and knowledge, which helps people learn more. Lastly, people create both of these accounts. It is very difficult for someone to create their own applications, and programs on these two sites. For example, people put slide shows, or videos, or other kinds of uploads like that. In order for people to incorporate these thnigs in their blogs and tweets they have to be very talented, intellegent, and know what they are doing.

Therefore, all of Bloom's types of learning contribute to Blogs and Twitter, just some are more important and more difficult than others.